Keep Going When Technology Lets You Down

Keep Going When Technology Lets You Down

Some weeks feel like the universe is against you. You’re showing up, putting in hours, and pushing through your workload, yet technology refuses to cooperate. Recently, I spent countless hours in support chats, restarted my computer more times than I care to count,...
Complete Sales Funnel In 20 Minutes? Results

Complete Sales Funnel In 20 Minutes? Results

I know, you’ve been waiting with bated breath to hear the results, to find out how well that complete funnel written in 20 minutes (Menekşe’s funnel generator) worked.   It’s Monday and I promised you an update on Menekşe’s  “Marketing Magic Dashboards” Drumroll...
Got 20 Minutes? Get Your Complete Sales Funnel Written

Got 20 Minutes? Get Your Complete Sales Funnel Written

I know you LOVE to write all the copy for your marketing funnel. Right?No?If you don’t, read on . . .  The Funnel Magic Dashboard is just one of the amazing tools that are included in her Marketing Magic Dashboard. Others include (click to go to the blog post...
96 Useful WordPress Keyboard Shortcuts to Save You Time

96 Useful WordPress Keyboard Shortcuts to Save You Time

I love keyboard shortcuts. They can save so much time. I love WordPress keyboard shortcuts for the same reason.  But, it’s hard to remember all the keyboard shortcuts.  Also, it’s not always easy to find a comprehensive list of shortcuts. Though, you would...
Format Content Fast with WordPress Reusable Blocks

Format Content Fast with WordPress Reusable Blocks

Writing content for your WordPress site is a lot of work. Formatting the content to your exact specifications is even more work. What if there was a super easy way to make formatting your content faster and easier. Something that will take most of the work out of...