Productivish: What Does Finish One Thing a Day Mean?

Productivish: What Does Finish One Thing a Day Mean?

Last time, I talked about how I discovered one of the best strategies that I can share. When I accidenatlly came up with the “Finish One Thing Day” things really shifted. But what does it actually mean to finish one thing a day. We explore that in...
The Magic of Body Doubling in Virtual Coworking

The Magic of Body Doubling in Virtual Coworking

It is sometimes so challenging to stay focused and productive when distractions are just a click away. Believe me, I know.  That is where body doubling comes into play (or into work as the case may be). But what is body doubling? Even if those distractions are...
Complete Sales Funnel In 20 Minutes? Results

Complete Sales Funnel In 20 Minutes? Results

I know, you’ve been waiting with bated breath to hear the results, to find out how well that complete funnel written in 20 minutes (Menekşe’s funnel generator) worked.   It’s Monday and I promised you an update on Menekşe’s  “Marketing Magic Dashboards” Drumroll...