Tech Troubleshooting Lifesaver!

Tech Troubleshooting Lifesaver!

Are you having tech issues? Ugh. I hear you. I spend so much of my time dealing with tech troubleshooting and that has given me a lot of perspective on how to go about dealing with them.  From the mindset side, you probably want to go check out Keep Going When...
Keep Going When Technology Lets You Down

Keep Going When Technology Lets You Down

Some weeks feel like the universe is against you. You’re showing up, putting in hours, and pushing through your workload, yet technology refuses to cooperate. Recently, I spent countless hours in support chats, restarted my computer more times than I care to count,...

HTML to Google Docs Automation using Packagesss

Automate your workflows: Here we explore sending HTML to Google Docs through an automation in Packagesss. Learning to create Packages, especially if you are not particularly tech savvy, can be a challenge. Here I walk you through grabbing the HTML off a page and...